SECANDA | SERVICE2024-12-04T14:15:16+01:00
Sample image for immediate avalability SECANDA

A telephone call or e-mail will suffice

We record your enquiry via our central service hotline and pass on the information directly to our experts. Or you can simply send us an e-mail.

You will then receive a call directly from a competent contact person regarding your particular query.

Icon Telefon

Service phone number

Monday to Friday 8.00 am – 4.00 pm
Individual invoice in 15-minute units at our technicians’ hourly rate, with a minimum of 2 units per service procedure unless covered by the SECANDA service contract.

Icon Email

Service mail

Quickly available

Remote maintenance

Our team of experienced system specialists will analyse the situation together with you via remote maintenance over the telephone and will offer you a direct solution.

Sample image for focused expertise secanda

Send appliances in for repair

Each repair saves resources and protects the environment. We shall be pleased to repair your appliances and SECANDA components. As a first step, please check via the service hotline +49 (0)7720 – 9945 – 55 or via a service e-mail to whether a repair is ne­ce­ssary and makes sense.

When sending appliances in for repair, your second step should be to fill out the online form for submitting repairs and send us the data:

You will receive an e-mail within one working day with an order con­fir­ma­tion which contains your individual processing number and the data summarised on your form. Simply print this e-mail as a repair order, sign it and send it off with your appliance.

News about your SECANDA systems


InterCard became SECANDA

Dear customers,

we have changed our name. We have turned InterCard GmbH Kartensysteme into SECANDA Systems AG. Even before that, our listed parent company InterCard adopted the name of our new system: SECANDA AG.

After 40 years of company history, we are now starting new. With new technical possibilities in a new system. With central data and the app. And with our claim to continue to be there for you every day in the best possible way.

That has now changed:

Name: SECANDA Systems AG
Local court Freiburg HRB 727836
All existing e-mail addresses will end with instead of in the future

This has remained the same:

Our sales tax identification number has remained the same: DE 142986548
All existing e-mail addresses remain reachable and our telephone numbers and addresses are also the same.
All agreements and contracts automatically remain in place.
All our bank details remain the same.

And we also remain the same. We remain there for you. All your systems and products will continue to be supported.

The transformation of lnterCard GmbH Kartensysteme (Local Court Freiburg i. Br. HRB 600603) into SECANDA Systems AG (Local Court Freiburg i. Br. HRB 727836) was entered in the commercial register on 6.12.2022. You can download the current excerpt from the commercial register here:

Commercial register excerpt of SECANDA Systems AG (PDF 153 KB)

Follow us into the new world of identification.

Your Customer Care

15. December 2022|Service|

Successor products for discontinued items

SECANDA has operated successfully on the market for many years. Accordingly, in past years we have continually replaced older appliances and software with newer, improved products. Find out about all the new possibilities and how you can ensure that your system remains up to date at all times.

System documentation

Document together with SECANDA the storage, processing and transmission of personal data in your chipcard system.

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