Our MICANDA cash desk, which combines efficiency and intuitive use, gives you the benefit of functions such as RFID payment and table and stock management


Our MICANDA cash desk, which combines efficiency and intuitive use, gives you the benefit of functions such as RFID payment and table and stock management

Sample image for Micanda POS
Icon multisite management

Multi-Site Management

Centralised management of items and prices, optimisation and simplification of processes

Icon Kreis Payment


With the RFID badge (Mifare & Legic), cash and / or bank cards, management of discounts / special offers based on specific groups

Icon Kreis Payment


With the RFID badge (Mifare & Legic), cash and / or bank cards, management of discounts / special offers based on specific groups

Icon Kreis Backoffice


Management of items and prices, management of cashiers / administrators, reports sent via e-mail, receipts sent via e-mail, adjustment of the cash desk takes 1 minute

Icon Kreis Backoffice


Management of items and prices, management of cashiers / administrators, reports sent via e-mail, receipts sent via e-mail, adjustment of the cash desk takes 1 minute

Icon Kreis


Batch creation / modification, up to 4 price levels per item, management of price levels, stock management

Sample image for Micanda POS

The features

  • 15″ LCD touchscreen 1024 x 768
  • 305 x 415 x 385 mm (H x L x D) — without Dallas reader
  • Power supply (230V)
  • Ethernet port
  • Ticket printer
  • Cash drawer
  • Kitchen printer
Sample image for SECANDA international product solutions